Lafayette magazine is published three times a year for alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends of Lafayette College by the Communications Division, Alpha Building, Easton, PA 18042.
Editor in Chief
Amy Downey
Assistant Vice President,
Communications & Marketing
Scott Morse
Director, Development
Jill Spotz
Director, Design & Web
Erwin Annulysse
Design Team
Matthew Blackton Jr.
Emily Graf
Kevin Hardy
Dale Mack
Ellen O’Malley
Director, Content Strategy
Brittany Martin
Content Team
Bryan Hay
Kelly Huth
Stella Katsipoutis-Varkanis
Kathryne Keck-Harris
Genamarie McCant
Margaret Wilson
Director, Photo/Video
Adam Atkinson
Photo/Video Team
Olivia Giralico
Director, Athletic Communications
Philip LaBella
Athletic Communications Team
Courtney DuPont
Grace Royer
John Sabino
Assistant to the Vice President
of Communications
Terri Deily
Telephone: 610-330-5120