
Lafayette magazine is published three times a year for alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends of Lafayette College by the Communications Division, Alpha Building, Easton, PA 18042.

Editor in Chief
Amy Downey

Assistant Vice President,
Communications & Marketing

Scott Morse

Director, Development

Jill Spotz

Director, Design & Web
Erwin Annulysse

Design Team
Matthew Blackton Jr.
Emily Graf
Kevin Hardy
Dale Mack
Ellen O’Malley

Director, Content Strategy
Brittany Martin

Content Team
Bryan Hay
Kelly Huth
Stella Katsipoutis-Varkanis
Kathryne Keck-Harris
Genamarie McCant
Margaret Wilson

Director, Photo/Video
Adam Atkinson

Photo/Video Team
Olivia Giralico

Director, Athletic Communications
Philip LaBella

Athletic Communications Team
Courtney DuPont
Grace Royer
John Sabino

Assistant to the Vice President
of Communications

Terri Deily

Website: magazine.lafayette.edu
Telephone: 610-330-5120
Email: lafayettemagazine@lafayette.edu

Lafayette College complies with all applicable federal and state legislation and does not in any way discriminate in educational programs or in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, national origin, age, or disability.