Amy Downey
Pard pride
A new tradition was born during Commencement weekend, as the historic Northampton Street Bridge lit up to celebrate the neighboring graduates in Easton.
McCartney Street Housing
Some students arriving in August will be moving into the second phase of McCartney Street housing, which opens its doors after being under construction since the spring of 2023.
Win for the waterways
An Easton-owned dam on Bushkill Drive was demolished, ridding the local waterways of its third and final dam that was previously used for old mills.
Local outreach
A number of Lafayette classes participated in outreach events to local schools in the spring.
Ballpark figures
During a March softball game, outfielder Mary Grace O’Neill ’25 set a new single-season Lafayette record with 21 stolen bases. (She passed Barb Matase ’84 and Linda Falcone Armour ’89, who had 20 stolen bases…
Growing interest in astronomy
Lafayette College sees growing interest in astronomy, with expanded class offerings and telescope nights led by Prof. Stephanie Douglas.