Mar 14, 2014
New Academic Merit Scholarship Launched
Beginning with the Class of 2018, the most highly qualified applicants to Lafayette may have the chance to be awarded the Marquis Fellowship, a merit-based…
Beginning with the Class of 2018, the most highly qualified applicants to Lafayette may have the chance to be awarded the Marquis Fellowship, a merit-based…
The new garden at McKelvy House features a sunken lawn surrounded by sloped perennial borders including salvia, coral bells, conefl ower, phlox, and liriope…
A volume based on the proceedings of “The Future of the Liberal Arts College in America and Its Leadership Role in Education around the World,” sponsored…
Nino Pirrotta: An Intellectual Biography BY ANTHONY CUMMINGS, professor of music American Philosophical Society, 2013 391 pp. In Her Own Words: Conversations…
23 new businesses opened in downtown Easton in 2013 including restaurants, stores, and service operations. “We’ve seen more people living downtown…
“Our Beloved Community,” Lafayette’s second annual symposium on diversity and inclusiveness, included presentations by faculty followed by discussions…
Fourteen Lafayette graduates joined Teach for America’s corps this year, placing Lafayette fifth among the top 20 small colleges and universities with…