
Bookshelf Home and Family
in Japan: Continuity
and Transformation

Edited by Allison Alexy,
assistant professor of
anthropology and sociology,
and Richard Ronald
Routledge, 2010, 256 pp.
Bookshelf Arshile Gorky: Works,
Writings, Interviews

By Robert S. Mattison,
Metzgar Professor of Art
Edicions Polígrafa,
2010, 160 pp.
Bookshelf Heroes of Film, Comics
and American Culture:
Essays on Real and Fictional
Defenders of Home

Edited by Lisa M. DeTora,
assistant professor of English
McFarland, 2009, 347 pp.
Bookshelf Race and Rhetoric
in the Renaissance:
Barbarian Errors

By Ian D. Smith, associate
professor of English
Palgrave Macmillan,
2009, 244 pp.
Bookshelf Domestic Violence in
Postcommunist States:
Local Activism, National
Policies, and Global Forces

Edited by Katalin Fábián,
associate professor of
government and law
Indiana University Press,
2010, 384 pp.
Bookshelf Letters from Verdun:
Frontline Experiences
of an American Volunteer
in World War I France

(letters written by
Avery Royce Wolfe ’20)
Edited by William Harvey
Casemate, 2009, 226 pp.