Welcome to the full edition of Class Notes for fall 2010. A shortened version, which appears in the print edition of Lafayette Magazine, is available as a PDF here.
The links at right will take you to the full versions of the Class Columns. These newly designed pages, created for this issue, include photo galleries and alumni updates with each decade. There are also links to Alumni Babies, Alumni Weddings, and Alumni Memoriam, as well as News from the Chapters and Alumni Chapters – Photo Gallery.
In early 2011, new web sites for each of the alumni classes and each of the alumni chapters are scheduled to be launched. The sites will be created and managed with BuddyPress, a user-friendly software plug-in for WordPress, the software that is used to manage the Lafayette College web site. Web page administrators and class correspondents will be able to log in to add text and photographs. They will also be able to post events well in advance and add updates on a timely basis.