Brittany Powell ’15 (L-R), Evan Gooberman ’13, Libby Lucy ’15, and Benjamin Bulluck ’16 read selected thoughts of Class of 2016 applicants during the kickoff workshop.
LAFAYETTE 360 is an exciting new initiative designed to connect students’ daily lives in ways that increase academic success, enhance a sense of individual fulfillment, provide for a rich and rewarding social life full of tradition and connection to the College, and promote active participation in a community of values. The program is holistic and synergistic in its approach, with the goal of fostering tighter integration among all phases of the undergraduate experience, from academics and residence life to co-curricular initiatives and community service.
The program is being designed to support the full four-year arc of each student’s enrollment, with steadily rising expectations for the level of independence and responsibility
he or she demonstrates from matriculation through graduation. The intended result will be to provide each student with a positive and rich personal experience and, in so doing, to foster each student’s sense of identity as a member of her/his class and the larger community.
The executive committee includes Hannah Stewart-Gambino, dean of the College (chair); Paul J. McLoughlin II, dean of students; Erica D’Agostino ’95, dean of academic advising; and Grace Reynolds, director of residence life. They have already met with more than 20 groups in the campus community and the extended Lafayette family. The steering committee also includes faculty members, alumni and trustee representatives, and student leaders. Subcommittees on Co-curricular and Extracurricular Learning, Academic Advising and Success, and Residential Communities are at work.
About 75 students, faculty, staff, and alumni gathered Jan. 23 to launch this highly promising initiative. For more information, please visit