All the Right Choices

Students have the opportunity to develop and exercise their leadership skills not only in their academic endeavors but also through more than 100 student clubs and organizations. The programs listed here are among those that offer leadership training.

  • Association of Black Collegians: sponsors cultural programs, philanthropic projects, and social events; helps new students adjust to campus life; educates the campus community on the traditions of black culture; coordinates programs with the alumni McDonogh Network
  • Landis Community Outreach Center: student program coordinators partner with community organizations to create volunteer service experiences that contribute to the well-being of the community
  • Farinon College Center Night Managers: offer assistance; supervise programs, room setups, film showings; and monitor the placement of banners and flyers
  • International Peer Advisers: offer mentoring, advice, and assistance to help international students adapt to life in the United States; sponsored by International Students Association
  • Kaleidoscope: peer educators raise awareness, promote inclusiveness, and promote celebration of differences across campus
  • Lafayette Activities Forum: promotes campus interaction and student relations by organizing diverse entertainment that refl ects the interests of the entire campus community
  • Kirby Sports Center Facility Supervisors: serve in a variety of ways including sports offi cial, facility monitor, fi tness assistant, climbing wall assistant, and lifeguard
  • Orientation Leaders: upper-class students lead a four-day program of activities, academic preparedness programs, and awareness-building workshops for incoming class
  • Peer Mentors: upper-class student-athletes assist first-year student-athletes in adjusting to the rigors of college life while participating in intercollegiate athletics
  • Resident Advisers: articulate Offi ce of Residence Life policies, relay students’ needs to the administration, provide information, and organize activities
  • Student Government: liaison between students and Trustees, administration, faculty, and alumni; distribute student activity fees among recognized student organizations; coordinate election of George Wharton Pepper Prize winner

For a complete list, see

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