Students and alumni celebrated the 188th anniversary of the founding of Lafayette at Wine 3/9 events in 28 U.S. locations and three other countries.
Los Angeles alumni and friends: Kim Bishop ’92 (front row, L-R), Dana Bernstein ’08, Marie Garofalo ’10, Cathy Hilton ’74, guest Sondralee Petrilli, Tom Brett ’58; Daniel Reynolds ’08 (back row, L-R), guest Ran Frazier, guest Craig Rosencranz, Bill Whitbred ’76, David Fraser ’69, Christian Garelli ’09, Susan Garelli ’73, guest Aaron Goold, Mary Taylor ’04, Emily Noel ’13, and Katie Nollan Schwarz ’95.
In Madrid, Lafayette students, alumnus, and faculty networked with undergrads from Université de Toulouse Le Mirail. The group includes George Morgan ’72 (front row, L-R) and Margaret Frodell ’15; Grant Kempski ’16 (standing behind Lafayette banner, L-R), Tien Tran ’16, Monica Wentz ’16, Jeffrey Helm, associate professor; Martine Cebrian, wife of Morgan; and Andrew Halloran ’16.