Nadda with her son, Sean Nehmeh, and daughter, Jasmine Pavlinsky, at Commencement.
Nadda Pavlinsky received her diploma at Commencement, she gazed across the campus and reflected on countless renovation projects, furnishings, and even paint colors she has helped oversee and select with care across a 27-year career as the College’s project manager and interior designer.
Her already successful career path in the Facilities Planning and Construction department at Lafayette culminated with earning an A.B. in art history with a minor in architectural studies on May 21.
“Receiving a degree from Lafayette has so much symbolic and deep personal meaning for me,” says Pavlinsky, who accepted her degree after 14 years of hard work. “My family, co-workers, staff, friends, and faculty have been so supportive in my work and my academic pursuits.”
Her touch at Lafayette is everywhere, from the Ramer History House, renovated in 2006 to preserve the Georgian Revival style while integrating technology, to the Grossman House for Global Perspectives, which received LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.
“It’s a great feeling when people who use the space say they love the space, it works
for them, and it’s just what
they need,” she says. “It makes me happy.”