
Who’s in My Old College Room?
A Lafayette dorm room might not always look like much, but four cinderblock walls and a couple of beds have often served as a launching pad for relationships that last a lifetime. We picked a random room—207 Ruef Hall—and caught up with Leopards who lived there in the 1970s, 1990s, and today.
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Breaking History
Michael Schmidt’s first job after graduating in 2005 was as a clerk on the Foreign Desk at The New York Times, where he made photocopies, answered calls, and got coffee for reporters.
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Diamonds are This Boy’s Best Friend
On hot summer nights, the window in his boyhood bedroom open to catch even the hint of a breeze, Kevin Moss ’04 could hear the voice of God. In an elegant, reassuring baritone, the voice would repeatedly intone: “Now batting for the New York Yankees…”
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