In Our City: Art of Urban Environments Festival

Urban Environments Arts FestivalTHE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT for the Arts awarded the College and the City of Easton $200,000 to host an event that will be the first of its kind in the United States. The Art of Urban Environments Festival will showcase site-specific multimedia outdoor art installations and environmental sculptures, on campus and in the city, created by emerging artists of all disciplines. It will feature guided and self-guided tours of the installations plus lectures, art exhibitions, and music and dance performances. It opens May 7.

The festival also will celebrate the completion of an arts and nature trail along the Bushkill Creek, part of the Bushkill Creek Corridor Revitalization Project, which also includes the College’s development of the Williams Arts Campus on North Third St. and the upcoming redevelopment of the 15-acre Simon Silk Mill property on North 13th St. into an a complex providing housing and work space for artists. Lafayette is the only college or university, and Easton the smallest city, among the 21 grant recipients nationwide