Acopian Family Helps Preserve Biological Diversity in Armenia
The son and grand-nephew of the late Sarkis Acopian ’51 are carrying on his efforts to preserve the rich biodiversity of his homeland of Armenia and…
The son and grand-nephew of the late Sarkis Acopian ’51 are carrying on his efforts to preserve the rich biodiversity of his homeland of Armenia and…
A freelance writer specializing in such topics as entertainment, careers, pop culture, and health/wellness, Vicki Salemi ’95 recently published Big Career…
Alumnae in the Classes of 1972, 1973, and 1974 will return to the College April 29, 2011 as part of a series of celebratory events marking 40 years of…
Join alumni, parents, and friends on a spectacular journey to Italy’s Amalfi Coast with President Daniel H. Weiss Sept. 22-30. The itinerary includes…
Kansas City, Mo., is to barbecue what Chicago is to deepdish pizza. So imagine the reaction when an upstart team from Red Bank, N.J., crossed over the…
When William Harvey took over the family condo in Kennebunk, Me., following his father’s death, his wife discovered three bound volumes of letters written…
In his 20 years of working for New York City’s criminal justice system, Judge Alvin Yearwood ’83 has seen his air share of cretins and crime fighters…
Being a character is a favorite pastime of George Jarden ’58, a pediatrician who lives and performs in Las Cruces, N.M. His one-man show called Gee ’n…
Graduates Join the Faculty by Megan Zaroda ’ 0 7 | photography by Chuck Zovko Not so long ago, Megan Rothenberger ’02 was taking courses on College…